Submission Policies

The Journal of Baptist Studies is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal reflecting the best traditions of objective and critical scholarship in Baptist studies. The editors invite submissions written by, about, or of interest to Baptist readers. Persons interested in submitting an article for publication should follow these guidelines:

1)  Unlike many other academic publications, the Journal of Baptist Studies will be published occasionally. That is, articles will be posted as they pass the review process.

2)  Submissions must address some aspect of Baptist history and/or theology. Articles exploring Baptist practice may be considered for publication, provided they include historical and/or theological elements in the development of the topic.

3)  Submissions should be no more than 8000 words, excluding notes. Lengthier articles may be considered provided that the author can show good reason for not staying within the recommended word limit.

4)  Submissions must be in MS Word, 12-point Times New Roman font.

5)  Citations must be in footnotes, in 10-point Times New Roman font.

6)  Journal of Baptist Studies will follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Authors are advised to follow the traditional footnote form, not the author\date form.

7)  Submissions will be sent to outside readers with a complementary expertise who will assess the work’s merit and suggest that the article be published, published after revision, or not published. Communication regarding an article’s status and/or revisions will be between Journal editors and the author.

8) Turn around time for publication will be prompt, though not hurried. The editors of the Journal of Baptist Studies will place accepted works on the website as quickly as possible.

9)  If accepted for publication, authors must stipulate that their work is original. Permissions for previously published work must be obtained by the author.