Dowling, John
The Burning of the Bibles (1843)
The Dealings of God, Man, and the Devil, introduction by John Dowling (1849)
Dowling’s Reply to Miller (1840)
Dr. Middleton’s Letter from Rome, introduction by John Dowling (1847)
Essay on Christian Baptism by B. W. Noel, introduction by John Dowling (1850)
The History of Romanism (1845)
The Judson Offering (1850)
The Life and Reign of Pope Pius the Ninth (1849)
Memoir of the Rev. Jacob Thomas by S.M. Fuller Harris, introduction by John Dowling (1850)
The Power of Illustration (1848)
The Power of Illustration (1850)
A Vindication of the Baptists (1838)
A Vindication of the Baptists, 3rd ed. (1839)