

Baptist Studies Online (BSO) is a website dedicated to the study of Baptist history and thought, with special emphasis on Baptists in North America. The purpose of BSO is to facilitate the scholarly study of Baptists by making available to researchers and students an online journal, a primary source library, and a comprehensive collection of Baptist history-related links. BSO is a collaborative effort by Baptist scholars from a variety of traditions with technical support provided by California Baptist University in Riverside, California.

The Journal of Baptist Studies

At the heart of BSO is The Journal of Baptist Studies (JBS). JBS is an online, peer- reviewed journal dedicated to the study of Baptist history and thought. The journal is produced under the editorial oversight of a Board of Editors representing numerous Baptist denominations and both religious and secular institutions. JBS does not advocate a particular theological or denominational agenda, but rather reflects the scholarship of individuals who identify with a number of positions and affiliations. The editors of JBS are Anthony Chute, Associate Dean of the School of Christian Ministries and Professor of Church History at California Baptist University, and Matthew Emerson, Assistant Professor of Religion and Dickinson Chair of Religion at Oklahoma Baptist University.

Unlike many print journals, JBS is not a biannual or quarterly publication. Rather, JBS publishes articles as they clear the peer-review process. Every year of publication represents a single volume of JBS, similar to an annually published print periodical. JBS welcomes article submissions related to any field of Baptist history. For more information about the article submission process, please see our Submission Policies or email Anthony Chute.

One of the unique features of JBS is the book reviews. Whereas most journals focus on recent publications in their chosen field of study, JBS reviews significant books in Baptist studies that are both current and classic, as well as works that are broader than Baptist studies but have direct bearing on the craft of Baptist history. The book review editor for JBS is John Gill, Assistant Professor of Christian Studies in the Online and Professional Studies Division at California Baptist University. If you are interested in reviewing a book for JBS, please send your inquiry to John Gill.

Primary Source Library

One of the most helpful features of the website is an ever-expanding library of primary source material related to Baptist history and identity. The site includes confessions, circular letters, sermons, biographies, and a variety of other materials helpful to researchers. The ultimate goal is to provide a library that is representative of every branch of Baptists. If you would like to suggest a primary source to be added to BSO, please email Anthony Chute.

Baptist Studies Links

The ongoing growth of the internet has greatly enhanced the ability of researchers to connect with various historical societies, study centers, and archives/repositories related to Baptist history. BSO is building a comprehensive list of helpful links as a guide to the wealth of Baptist studies-related material available on the internet. If you would like to suggest a link to be added to BSO, please email Matt Emerson.

Join Our Email List

We want to keep you informed about what we are doing at BSO. If you would like to receive email updates from BSO whenever new JBS articles, book reviews, and primary sources are added to the website, please send an email to Anthony Chute. Your confidentiality is guaranteed; BSO will never share your email address or any other personal information with any third party for any reason.